Earthquake detection

A subsea well scenario has been established in laboratory The test set-up was designed such that different losses and reflection levels (between the lead-in fibre and sensor fibre) can be simulated by adjusting three separate variable optical attenuators (VOA) in a connectors simulator. The length of the lead-in fibre is 14.2 km followed by a 6.1 km long standard sensing fibre.

earthquake detection

Another earthquake has been recorded with an operational telecom cable. An earthquake (1200 km away) of magnitude 4.5 was recorded along the cable positions 35 – 80 km from the onshore interrogator (cable direction is close to that of the seismic wave). The peak recorded amplitude was about 15 pico-strain.

Earthquake detection 02
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Alain Biston

Alain Biston

President & CEO

Alain has been working for more than 25 years in telecoms, with Nortel, then Alcatel-Lucent / Nokia, holding management and leadership positions in R&D, Product Line, Industrial Operations, Sales & Marketing, Business Unit P&L accountability.

He brings to ASN his thorough knowledge of the telecoms industry, his extensive international management background with several postings overseas, and his field-proven customer-facing acumen.

Since 2016, as a Nokia executive, Alain has been Senior VP Customer Operations End2End and until now Senior Vice President in charge of Mobile Network business management.

Alain holds a degree in Information Technology from INSA, Rennes, France. He was also honored with the National Order of Merit in 2006 from the French Minister of Industry.